

Research in my group focuses on the morphodynamics of rivers and streams and the relation of these morphodynamics to human activity, ecosystems, and biog eochemical processes. I am a faculty member in the River, Watershed, and Landscape Dynamics graduate program in the Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science, which involves interdisciplinary coursework and research experiences bridging physical geography, geologycivil and environmental engineering, and natural resources and environmental science.


Research Opportunities for New Graduate Students

I  welcome inquiries from any prospective M.S. or PhD students with research interests focusing on geomorphological processes in rivers and watersheds, human impacts on river systems, and stream restoration or naturalization.   For further information for contact me at brhoads@illinois.edu

Resources & Links

Free Book: Rhoads, B.L. and Thorn, C.E. 1996. The Scientific Nature of Geomorphology

National Great Rivers Research and Education Center

Water and Land Stewardship, Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Environment

Ven Te Chow Hydrosystems Lab

A hard to get article on river channelization

A video is now available on YouTube that provides an overview of an international collaborative project, partly funded by the National Science Foundation,  focusing on mixing at river confluences.  To see the video click here